
ECEM(Europe-China Electronic Materials)는SGIH(Special Gas International Holding Company Limited) 그룹의 자회사입니다. SGIH는 전자 산업 분야의 세계 최고의 전문가들에 의해서 설립되었으며, 여러 전자가스 제품에 대한 엔지니어링, 설계, 장비 제조, 시운전 및 운영에 대한 선두 기술을 보유하고 있습니다.

SGIH그룹은 전자 가스 제품에 대한 turn-key 엔지니어링부터 제품 생산에 대한 기술 개발과 직접 고객에게 더 나은 제품을 더 빨리 그리고 더 전문적으로 제공하기 위하여 중국 충칭에 ECEM을 설립하였습니다

ECEM은 주로 반도체, LED, OLED 및 태양광 등을 위한 초고순도 전자가스 및 화학제품 생산의 전세계 리더를 목표로 합니다.

ECEM 연구소는

  • 전세계의 전문가, 과학자 및 선도 엔지니어들이 모여있으며,
  • 끊임없이 새로운 기술과 제품을 연구하며,
  • 생산 품질 향상, 환경 오염 및 생산비용 절감에 대한 공정 개선등을 연구하고 있습니다.

Site is currently under development.

Europe - China Electronic Materials Co., LTD

Focusing primarily on continuous improvement of production technologies, product development, new applications and special analytical methods, ECEM will open its new Electronics R&D Center in Chongqing, China in Q4/2018. Working closely with worldwide international partners and local customers the new center will strongly support the development of local supply chains as well as strengthening & widening the local special gases manufacturing capabilities.

Our aim is being capable of consistently producing & delivering a wide range of highest quality special gas products in China while minimizing the loss of raw material, emissions and consumptions to the greatest extent possible.


Integrated circuit / Microchip
Semiconductor wafer


JDLL Singapore

Customized engineering design and solution for the applications in gas and chemical related industry worldwide from design, development, throughout manufacturing and assembly up to installation, commissioning and operational support.


BM Intelligence is a leading financial services provider in Asia Pacific Region inlcuding corporate finance, corporate services, professional translations, asset valuations, business centre, investment migration services, real estate & agency, financial & corporate communications, event management, strategic marketing, funds & wealth management, information technology as well as China business.

IGPH Group

The IGPH Group are world leaders in the design and manufacture of high technology Cylinder Filling Equipment and Solutions.


Europe-China Hui Zhi Electronic Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd. (ECEM R&D) Focuses on development of new technology, products, related equipment & applications for semiconductor grade specialty gases and chemicals. It also provides full analysis service for external customers for almost all electronic specialty gases & materials.

For publish purpose. 2018.04.30.